5 book recommendations
It is not fishing season everywhere, why not take some time to enjoy a good book this winter and start the next season as a better fisherman? These are the first book recommendations on my blog, don´t expect any fiction literature here since that is something I rarely read. These are books that really have helped me in my fishing and to become a better guide. Three are in English and two in Swedish. When the book itself is in Swedish I have chosen to write the text in Swedish as well since this is my native language. Only one of them are translated and available in both languages. Let me know if you want to see more like this in the future. These are great recommendations by the way if you that are looking for a Christmas gift to someone that is fly fishing!
Sight Fishing for Trout
In a snowy and cold winter night, I started reading this book that changed the way I see a trout stream. I didn't think it was possible to read a water in Sweden the way described in this book but I continued reading anyway. When it became summer again in the Swedish mountains I started seeing fish I never could sight fish for before. Barely noticeable things such as small white spots appearing in the water for a glimpse of a secound or straight lines on the bottom can be fish. This book helps you to know what to look for and to use your eyesight in the most beneficial way.
(Also available in Swedish called "Öringfiske med sight fishing-metoden")
How to Catch the Biggest Trout of Your Life
This book have to be mentioned in my list as well. This was a big influence in why I became a guide. Landon Mayer is a professional guide based in Colorado.
I baught this book very early after the release from an English web shop. I think it was in 2008 and I bought it because of its name and were amazed about the pictures of big trout inside. The strategy of reading the water, finding the holding spots and present the fly is really interesting. The kind of book I would like to write one day.
(Sadly I haven't found this book in Swedish)
Den tidigare utgåvan "ekologisk fiskevård" var ett studiematerial på min tid på Älvdalens Utbildningscentrum. Detta är en ny utökad version som tycks ha uppdaterats mycket i vad som faktiskt är det mest gynnsamma för friskt fiskbestånd och hur det bör vårdas. Den inledande delen gav mig en större förståelse i hur fiskeripolitiken bedrivs vilket var kanske det kapitel jag uppskattade mest. Bokens innehåll har imponerat mycket på mig och visar på ett gediget arbete under skrivandet.
(Not available in English as far as I know)
Bättre Flugfiske
Göran Andersson, Ingmar Nordling, Torkel Norling
Utmärkt studiematerial om du är intresserad utav att göra ett test för en kastinstruktörs-certifiering. Lär dig förstå varför du ska röra ditt flugspö på ett visst sätt och vad det får för effekt på fluglinan. Ett utmärkt och kreativt sätt att beskriva ett flugkast sker under rubriken "ett omöjligt kast" vilket jag ofta använder mig utav för att förklara fysikens lagar som gäller i ett kast. Kommer ge en "aha-upplevelse"
(Not available in English as far as I know)
Fly Fishing - Angler's Guidebook
Adam Sikora
Fly fishing fundamentals presented in a nice way. Covers everything, you will be surprised to see how well this book is written. Especially since the book is free for anyone to read.
Grayling fishing has been a great part of my life for many years. Since 2007 I have been spending every summer without any exceptions near grayling waters. The most epic place I have ever experienced is Tjuonajokk and this is where the idea for this blog post emerged.... Read more