The one that didn't get away
I caught a farmed fish the other day that I took home for dinner. In my fishing I'm very selective about what fish I keep and mostly do...
Vision coastal lines range, what WF lines I use! Rewiev
Walking along the Gotland shorelines, covering lime rock bottom, sea weed fields and deeper edges. Just hammering with the slow...
Jiggy Fly
This is one of my absolute favorite flies, I used it for the first time this season here and gosh it made me happy when just minutes...
I examine a lot at what Norwegian seatrout anglers do and their flies have proven to work very good on Gotland, here are one of the...
Flyfising lifehack: Fixing line twist
I have showed this trick to some people I have been guiding lately and no one knew the clever and effective technique how to solve this...
Dirt roads to fish
Welcome to fish on Gotland! Now the most intense month is here and there are many ways to a successful fishing! Its been boiling...
Stockholm Archipelago 14-03-2016
Avoiding traffic jams have never been a problem for me when I've gone fishing before, that's how it can be fishing in Stockholm. There I...
Polar Magnus
An effective fly for coastal seatrout, with some eyes the polar magnus becomes so much more aesthetically appealing! I caught a 63 cm...
Springtime Seatrout Approach
Among my friends I am that crazy person who while fishing practically run and at the same time be casting and taking in line. This is my...
FLY TV - Trout Fly Fishing with Big Streamers
Hi and welcome to my new blog! I want to kick things of by sharing some thoughts about the latest Fly Tv that I was a part of. It’s been...